10 Reasons Why You Need to Focus on Long-Tail Keywords For SEO

10 Reasons Why You Need to Focus on Long-Tail Keywords For SEO

When you launch a website, your Goal is to see the site on page 1 of search engines.  Being on the first page of Search engine result page (SERP) brings traffic, customers, and profits.  But achieving the goal is not a simple thing. You need an SEO strategy to build your audience.

In simple words, SEO means ‘Doing a variety of methods to improve your website ranking on SERP.’ The site needs optimization according to search engines standards for ranking on Page 1.

In SEO, keywords are crucial. Keywords are words and phrases included in your website about the content. When a user makes a search query, if the keywords from your site are matching with the user’s query, your website shows on SERP.

Now that, we have covered SEO and keyword, we need to understand why long tail keywords are essential for SEO.


What is the Long tail Keyword?

Let’s take an example, If your website is about cooking recipes, you have written content on cooking “Shahee paneer.” Now when you are putting keywords, it would be like this, ‘cooking Shahee paneer, ‘tasty paneer’ etc. these are short tail keywords, one word. But if you put a keyword ‘How to cook tasty Shahee paneer at home.’ This is an example of long tail keywords.


Why Long tail keywords are essential?


1) Beat the competition 

On the internet, there are thousands of websites for a specific topic. If you want to outrank the competition, understand user intent is crucial. Long tail keyword helps to outrank the competition. Search engines have found out in their research that, website who mention long tail keywords are less than those who have put short tail keywords. Now, this behavior tells us that long tail keywords have less competition. This gives better chances of ranking on page 1.


2) Traffic 

Bringing a lot of traffic on your website is essential.  But generic traffic does not help.  Short tail keywords do not contribute to bringing massive traffic. The reason is, they are mentioned already on other websites. But longtail keywords can bring targeted traffic.


3) Conversion rate 

If you are selling a product service or product. Targeted traffic is significant. You have a lot of visitors, but if there is no conversion, its no use. Longtail keywords bring targeted traffic, increasing the conversion rate on your website. The higher conversion means more profits.


4) Short tail keyword 

When you use long tail keywords, they automatically included short tail keywords. Its benefits you in terms of your strategy. You don’t need to think about putting another set of keywords. From the above example of ‘How to cooking Shahee paneer at home,’ you have already included ‘cook,’ ‘paneer,’ and ‘at home.’ You don’t need them to put separately.


5) Focus on Niche 

There is a term called ‘Domain authority (DA). DA is vital for Search engines. When your website starts getting traffic, search engine begins to recognize your website for specific content. It helps to build DA on a website. Now, longtail keywords focus on a specific niche. From the above example of a cooking website, every longtail keywords on different recipes would include “How to cook.” This overall strategy helps in building DA over time.


6) Perfect for PPC( Pay per click) 

If you are planning to run a PPC campaign on your website, it’s essential to know what kind of audience you want. Usually, PPC is run to bring more traffic, making conversion rate better. Long tail keywords help to bring that user, who are ready to buy a product or service. If the website is getting generic traffic, the conversion rate will go low, making PPC campaign ineffective.


7) Easy to optimize

An SEO strategy is a long term process. On page optimization for longtail keywords helps SEO strategy. It becomes easier to include them in keywords. They look natural, according to user queries.


8) Stability on search results 

Everyday a lot of websites launch. They all include keywords. These keywords on the new website can hamper your website ranking. Long tail keywords bring stability to website ranking. They would consist of generic keywords, affecting your website ranking.  From the above example, a lot of sites can include information on paneer, but the cooking recipe keyword would bring traffic along with stability.


9) Google Suggestion 

User search queries often begin from a general question. In google search results, Google offers a suggestion to lead to a specific problem. When google suggests, they are based on longtail keywords. This can bring traffic on your website.


10) Voice searches 

Demography of voice search is increasing day by day. People who search on voice search, focus on finding a specific query. If you include longtail keywords In your website. It’s possible that Google would show your site in results from a voice search. Another way of increasing traffic on the website.