Why choose Digital Marketing as a Career?

Why choose Digital Marketing as a Career?

What is Digital Marketing? Digital Marketing can be simply defined as modern marketing done through electronic devices so as to reach the general public on a massive scale. The medium used can be anywhere on the internet. Digital Marketing is a vast field to dive in and it provides people with an interesting and creative field …

How to Setup Google Analytics for your Website?

How to Setup Google Analytics for your Website?

Google Analytics is a free analytics tool which analyses websites to provide insights into how users find and use your website. Using Google analytics, you can track the ROI (Return of Investment) for the marketing campaign.   So let’s see how we can set up Google Analytics for your website, by following some simple step …

10 Tips for Website Speed Optimization

10 Tips for Website Speed Optimization

Why do you need to Optimise Website Speed? We all live in a fast paced world and people are looking for instant gratification. So when a user visits your website to learn more about your business, the user expects to have a quick and seamless experience using your website, failing to do so will force …

A Complete Guide to Google My Business

A Complete Guide to Google My Business

What is Google My Business? Google offers a free platform online to showcase your business and make it listed on google maps. So when consumers do a google search or a google maps search for a certain product/service your business will be listed among the results with additional information such as phone number, location, open timings, …

A Brief Guide to Online Reputation Management

A Brief Guide to Online Reputation Management

What is Online Reputation Management? Whether a Business runs online or offline, they can be subject to appreciation, criticism or feedback in the form of a review, complaint or a social media post, which all happens in the cloud. These can be critical for a company, depending on the nature of the content which can …

Top 5 Trends to Earn Money on YouTube Premium

Top 5 Trends to Earn Money on YouTube Premium

Youtube recently launched Youtube premium in India which offers youtube music, ads-free content on both music and videos, miniature view on smartphones, Youtube Originals. In order to Generate Revenue on Youtube Premium The Creators have been innovative about how they earn apart from youtube ads, such as the following :   1) Channel Membership  This …